Limestone, Maine

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Troop 193
Who: Troop 193 a member of the Katahdin Area Council, North Star District in Aroostook County, Maine.
Meetings: Weekly meetings are held on Thursdays from 6:00-7:00 p.m. Court of Honor ceremonies are held periodically throughout the year to recognize scout achievements.
Where: We typically meet at the Limestone Community School on High Street in Limestone, Maine
Sponsor: The troop is sponsored by the Masonic Limestone Lodge 214 A.F. & A.M. and the Chartered Organization Representative is Steven Beaulieu.
Adults: At each meeting there are a number of adult leaders available to assist scouts with learning new skills and completing requirements. Leading Troop 193B (boys) is Scoutmaster Kathie Beaulieu and Assistant Scoutmasters Ben Cuthbertson, Tom Malena and Danny Gahagan II. Leading Troop 193G (girls) is Scoutmaster Lisa Burress and Assistant Scoutmaster Meagan Malena.
Committee: The Troop Committee consists of a broader group of adults that provides leadership and guidance to the overall Scouting program. The committee, headed by Chairman Larry Cote, meets periodically to review programming, handle finances, and provide oversight for the wide range of activities of the troop. Other members of the Committee are Grace O'Neal, Chris Kilcollins and Ben Lothrop.