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Are You New to Troop 193?

Welcome to Troop 193! We're so glad to have you here. If you're new to scouting, there is quite a bit to learn but don't be overwhelmed. We'll help you through it. Here's a short Parent Guide video that gives a good general overview of Scouting and will help get you started:


Troop Trail to Eagle Parent Guide by Scouter Rob


Troop 193 is a “Scout-Run” troop. Our scouts learn to take control of their scouting experience. 


SCOUTS take the lead on choosing activities and events that interest them. We work to teach them how to get rank requirements signed off and merit badge cards turned in.  PARENTS will help with reminders and ask them for the latest news! Parents are always welcome to attend meetings but it's optional. Scouts do quite well on their own at this age. We do communicate regularly with parents in the message group online too.


Along with the information below, you may also visit the Scouts BSA FAQs page for all the latest details.


Who: Troop 193 a member of the Katahdin Area Council, North Star District. 


Meetings: Weekly meetings are held on Thursdays from 6:00-7:00 p.m. Court of Honor's are held periodically throughout the year to recognize scout achievements.


Where: We typically meet at the St. Louis Catholic Church on Main Street in Limestone, Maine


Sponsor: The troop is sponsored by the Masonic Limestone Lodge 214 A.F. & A.M. and the Chartered Organization Representative is Steven Beaulieu.


SPL: The Scout leadership of the troop consists of the Senior Patrol Leader (SPL) and the Assistant Senior Patrol Leaders (ASPL). Scouts serve in leadership positions for six months at a time. The troop elects the SPL and the SPL and the Scoutmaster pick the assistants. Additionally, there are many other leadership positions, ranging from Quartermaster and Scribe to Patrol Leader. The Scouts in the troop are organized into patrols and the Scouts elect their own patrol leaders.


Adults: At each meeting there are a number of adult leaders. These are typically the people who teach Scout skills for advancement and merit badge classes. Leading the Troop 193 (boys) is Scoutmaster Kathie Beaulieu and Assistant Scoutmasters Ben Cuthbertson and Tom Malena. Leading Troop 193G (girls) is Scoutmaster Lisa Burress and Assistant Scoutmasters Meagan Malena and Brianna Carlson.


Committee: The Troop Committee consists of a broader group of adults that provides leadership and guidance to the overall Scouting program. The committee, headed by Chairman Larry Cote, meets periodically to review programming, handle finances, and provide oversight for the wide range of activities of the troop. Other members of the Committee are Grace O'Neal, Chris Kilcollins, Ben Lothrop and Andy Caldwell.



"Class A":  Scout Shirt, Scout Pants, Scout Belt, Bolo, Scout Socks. Scout hat is optional but if a hat is worn with the uniform, it must be an official BSA hat.

  • Uniform items can be purchased at SW Collins in Caribou or online at

  • During School Year:  at Scout meetings, traveling to/from activities (camping)

  • Any Formal Event

  • Badges/patches:  Troop number, Council Patch, US Flag, Rank, see Scout handbook for placement and application on Scout Shirt


"Class B":  Scout T-shirt from Troop or other Scouting activity. Class "B" uniforms are acceptable at camp and various informal activities. A Class "B" uniform includes a Troop 193 T-shirt. A leader will advise which attire is appropriate for the activity. Troop 193 T-shirts can be purchased at by visiting our online store on this website or place your order with Kathie.


Merit Badges (MB)

Scouts BSA has a lot to offer, but don’t let the number of merit badges scare you away. With exposure to a uniquely hands-on learning experience and the opportunity to earn merit badges reflecting each Scout’s budding interests, youth unlock a world of discovery around them and forge a path for the future. The Scout plans their advancement and progresses at their own pace as they meet each challenge. The Scout is rewarded for each achievement, which helps them gain self-confidence. The steps in the advancement system help a Scout grow in self-reliance and in the ability to help others. 


  1. Scout requests BLUE CARD and an MB Counselor to work with from the Scoutmaster/Assistant Scoutmaster.

  2. Scout meets with MB Counselor and works on requirements.

  3. Counselor signs off on completed requirements.

  4. Scout obtains sign off from Scoutmaster/Assistant Scoutmaster.

  5. Scoutmaster/Assistant Scoutmaster submits Advancement Report for MB.

  6. Scout stores the signed blue card showing MB completion separately from Scout book.

  7. Parent Hint:  make a photocopy of the blue cards. Originals store perfectly in baseball card vinyl sheets in a 3-ring binder.


Rank Requirements

  1. Scout completes requirements and obtains sign off from Scoutmaster or Assistant Scoutmasters.

  2. Scout requests Scoutmaster Conference once all requirements are met and signed off.

  3. Scoutmaster/Assistant Scoutmaster notifies the Troop Committee that he/she is ready for their Board of Review (BoR).

  4. Committee Chair schedules the BoR with the Committee members and notifies the Scout.

  5. If approved, the Committee Chair submits the Advancement Report for Rank Advancement.

  6. Scoutmaster/Assistant Scoutmaster schedule a Court of Honor.

  7. Parent Hint:  be sure to save all rank awards, the cards, pins, certificates and all other items throughout the scout's journey. If the scout aspires to earn the Eagle rank, they will want all these items saved for their Eagle Ceremony.

Medical Forms and Permission Slips

Medical Forms:  A copy has to be turned in each year.  Keep original.  Medical conditions, vaccinations and insurance information are critical.  If the Scout is going in for a physical or health assessment, take along a BSA medical form to be filled out.  If any changes occur, please inform Scoutmaster.


Outside Activity Hints

  • Put clothes in Ziploc-type bags to keep clean and dry.  Usually 1 day per bag.  (Nice when they come back, know what is clean and what is not). 

  • Closed-toe shoes are REQUIRED for scouting activities. They need sneakers, hiking boots or other footwear that will protect their feet in the conditions. Pack extra dry socks. 

  • Select clothing that wicks away moisture.  Cotton holds moisture and loses ability to insulate.  Cotton t-shirts can work during the summer. 

  • Cold Weather Outdoor activities: be sure they have layers of warm clothing and warm boots. No sneakers.


Camping Hints

  • Scouts will create a food budget based on the number of scouts signed up in their patrol and the schedule from the Event Leader.

  • Scouts will create an appropriate menu and grocery shopping list (including quantities and other details).

  • Scouts should participate and lead the food shopping plan but adults should guide as such:

    • Stay within budget.

    • Know what your storage and transportation limitations will be (weight, food safety, waste).

    • Don’t overbuy, especially just to get a better price (including condiments).

    • Packets to mix in water for drinks are preferred over premixed drinks.


Parent Fun and Participation – How you can support your scout and the Troop

  • Attend the Troop’s Court of Honor ceremonies for Recognition of our Scout’s Achievements.  It is important to the Scouts.

  • Come on campouts and other activities but remember you are there only to guide, protect, and have fun. Let the scouts learn new skills on their own.

  • Be a Merit Badge Counselor.  There are so many different merit badges that you should be able to find one.  No cost to register. Check out the current list at

  • Take online training, especially Youth Protection. See Resources page on this site.


Expenses: After the initial registration fee, purchase of the uniform items and scout book as outlined below, it is intended that the ongoing expenses will be paid by the scouts through fundraisers. The scouts participate in the Scout Popcorn fundraising program, along with bottle drives, and other fundraising activities as needed. As scouts work at fundraisers, the proceeds are split between the scouts who have earned their way and held in a troop account for each scout. Reports are provided to each scout to update them on the funds they have available for activities and awards. It's important for scouts to see the value of earning their way through scouting and this also helps families avoid out-of-pocket expenses.


We may have some new or gently used uniform items that scouts no longer needed. They will be at discounted prices or free. If interested, check with the Scoutmaster/Assistant Scoutmaster.


Expenses scouts will incur and can apply fundraising earnings toward:

  • Registration Fee - $85 annually

  • Complete Uniform

  • Scout Book

  • Camp Roosevelt (optional but strongly encouraged)

  • Camping/Activities - Troop camping events and Council Camporees typically cost around $10 per scout to register and then the cost of the food for each scout. 


Activities: In addition to the weekly meetings, there are multiple outings to keep the scouts active and having fun. The Troop goes to summer camp for a week in July. We also attend Camporees with other troops and venture out on our own for camping trips, visits to the State House in Augusta, attending a Klondike event at Maine Maritime in Castine, a Camporee at Fort Knox, and more.


Summer camp is, perhaps the most important of the summer activities. It is when the Scouts get to live and learn by the patrol method. They learn to work, cook and interact together. The scouts take merit badge classes and work on advancement and Scout skills.


Community Service Events: These events provide Scouts an opportunity to give back to the community. Our troop helps the Rotary Club with the food baskets at Christmastime. We have also recently completed trail maintenance and landscaping at the Limestone and Caswell school properties. If you have a service project that our scouts can help with, please let us know.


Outings Guidelines:​

  • It is expected that Scouts attend the meeting prior to an outing.

  • Scouts are expected to be on their best behavior, be respectful and always keep safety a priority. Refer to the Expectations/Behavior Contract here.

  • When traveling on outings Scouts are expected to wear the Class "A" uniform unless instructed otherwise.

  • Scouts are asked not to bring electronic devices (i.e., cell phones etc.) on outings.

  • Health/Medical forms need to be updated annually.

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